1. Firefox plus extensions?web browser
2. delicious?social bookmarking tool
3. Google Reader?rss reader
4. Gmail?webmail
5. Skype?instant messenger
6. Google Calendar?online calendar
7. Google Docs?online office suite
8. Slideshare?presentation sharing tool
9. flickr?image hosting and sharing tool
10. Voicethread?collaborative slideshow tool
11. WordPress?blogging tool
12. Audacity?audio/podcasting tool
13. YouTube?video hosting and sharing tool
14. Jing?screencasting tool
15. PBwiki?wiki tool
16. PollDaddy?polling tool
17. Nvu?web authoring tool
18. Yugma?web meeting tool
19. Ustream?live broadcasting tool
20. Ning?(private) social networking tool
21. Freemind?mind mapping tool
22. Moodle?course management system
23. eXe?course authoring tool
24. iGoogle?personal start page tool
25. twitter?microblogging tool